Minha gratidão aos queridos amigos e amigas por caminharem ao meu lado, iluminando minha vida e os meus dias com seu amor, carinho, boas palavras, bons pensamentos e desejos. Muito obrigada!
A todos o meu amor, a minha luz e a minha paz!
Feliz 2010! Beijos!
2010, the year of Love!
The new year calls us to love. It is the year of female, beauty, setting and union. Ruled by Venus, Iemanjá, Oxalá and Haniel angel, 2010 moves us to act as a donation on behalf of Love, so that prevails Harmony, Peace and Light. May Love grow, become stronger and generate beautiful fruit!
My gratitude to dears friends to walk beside me, illuminating my life and my days with your love, affection, good words, thoughts and wishes. Thank you!
To all my love, my light and my peace!
Happy 2010! Kisses!